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Our Ethos

In this fast paced and technical world we live in, we would like to give children the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with nature.

To let them experience the changes in season and the raindrops on their faces.

To promote the health, well being, creativity and imagination, as well as educating this future generation on the ecological effects on our natural environment.

Our daily activities will consist of:Outdoor Forest school sessions,Growing own fruits, vegetables and herbs,Helping to care for our on site pets,Helping to prepare healthy snacks,Engaging in play with natural resources and much, much more!

Being outdoors and exploring nature helps to prevent children from developing ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’, allows them to problem solve, risk assess and become well rounded and capable learners.

Children will be expected to bring outdoor clothing to suit the weather–“There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”.

Come and join the adventure!

Our Ethos: About
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